Proof Of Love and Hinterland are available from, itunes, CDBaby, and Rounder Europe

Proof of Love
View Lyrics
1. Proof Of Love
2. Just Like A River
3. The Drawing Near
4. Ain’t Goin’ My Way
5. Wake Up Hill
6. Big Group Breakfast
7. In The Beginning
8. Little Bird
9. Sad As A Forest
10. Johnny Has Gone For A Soldier
11. Send My Troubles Away
12. Thrown By The Bull
13. Lulu My Darling

HinterlandView Lyrics
1. I quit my Job
2. Roustabout
3. Lost John
4. At the Airport
5. Cemetaries Downtown
6. Salute to the Golden River
7. Quiet Creek
8. Wrong Side of the Country
9. Mysteries You can’t even Hide
10. Notes from the Banjo Underground
11. I am a Rich Man
12. Joy of Cooking
13. Hinterland

Mole In The GroundView Lyrics
Temporarily out of print

1. The Cable Blues
2. Mole in the Ground
3. First Day of Fall
4. One Time in Rome
5. Sugarman
6. Yodelady
7. Spoons at Kate’s
8. Little Stream of Whiskey